Legfrissebb hozzászólások (973 - 982) (Témakör: Ayahuasca)
| | | | | | | | | | Az európai rendelést már próbáltam, be is vált, de nézegettem az árakat, és az Egyesült Államokban olcsóbban lehet kapni a dolgokat. De lehet, hogy nem fogok kísérletezgetni és maradok a jól bevált holland headshopoknál. Kösz! |
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| | | | | | | | | | Mimosa hostilis, also known as jurema preta, is a plant naturally growing in Brasil. The active alkaloid in Mimosa hostilis is N,N-DMT, which is similar to LSD but more intense. Normally orally ingested DMT has no effect, but by combining Mimosa hostilis with a MAO-inhibitor such as Peganum harmala (Syrian rue) or Banisteriopsis caapi, you can make ayahuasca: the magical brew that brings on an intense psychoactive and spiritual experience.
First you will feel some nausea. If you feel the need to vomit, do so. Do not fight it. After 45 to 60 minutes you will experience a religious ecstasy and the first visions will begin. Intense colours, flowers, fireworks and mandala shapes. Depending on how much is ingested one will experience jungle like worlds inhabited by exotic animals, ancestors, gods and monsters. You will be confronted by your own fears and frustrations. It is important not to panic and escape from them, but to learn to control them by giving in to them.
There are no restrictions for this product, we can ship it worldwide. |
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| | | | | | | | | | Mimosa hostilis (Jurema) 56 grams Root Bark $xx.xx 56 grams High Quality Inner Root Bark $xx.xx+yy.yy Senki nem tud erről semmit?
És a tárolásról?
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| | | | | | | | | | Igen, ezzel tisztában vagyok, én is sokat olvasgattam erowidot, meg úgy minden mást is, ami a témával foglalkozik. A kérdésem igazából az, hogy a gyökér ama részében, melyben a dmt koncentráltabban fordul el (ez a gyökér kérge) van-e különbség a belső és külső rész között. Merthogy a gyökér kérgének a belső része (inner root bark) drágább, mint a gyökér kérge (root bark). Az árkülönbség (esetemben a root bark árának majdnem a fele) tudatában úgy okoskodtam, hogy akkor valószínűleg a gyökér kérgének a belső részében több hatóanyag van, ami ha igaz, az adagolást is befolyásolja. Csakhogy okoskodásomban azért nem bízom meg teljesen, ezért kérem a tapasztalt mindentudók segítségét a rejtély megoldásához. Azért köszi:) |
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| | | | | | | | | | Egyes internetes oldalaknál (US) lehet rendelni Inner Root Bark-ot és egyszerű Root Bark-ot is. Az utóbbi olcsóbb. A kérdésem az, hogy a gyökér kérgének a belső része több dmt-t tartalmaz-é vajon, mint a kéreg többi része. És ha ez így van, akkor ez mennyire befolyásolja az adagolást? Másik kérdésem, hogy mimosa hostilis gyökkéreg vagy peganum mag tárholható-e hosszú távon (akár 2-3 hónap) számottevő hatásveszteség nélkül. válaszokat köszönöm, előre
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| | | | | | | | | | Azt nem fogom mondani, hogy "jo volt", mert ez igy nem lenne igaz. Legalabbis akkor nem ereztem olyan jonak.. Az ember az iskolara sem mondja azt, h jo, amig odajar. Aztan miutan eltelik egy kis ido, egyre inkabb eszreveszi, hogy mennyi mindent kapott, milyen hasznos dolgokat tanult. A yage iskola. Tanit. |
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| | | | | | | | | | yagélapurga,
"Holnap itt a nagy nap..:)"
Milyen volt a nagy nap? |
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| | | | | | | | | | Ime egy aya FAQ, ki az a géniusz, aki lefordítaná? Ayahuasca FAQ: http://us.geocities.com/albioncircle/ayahuasca.html
Ebben található egy élménybeszámoló is:
IT BEGAN, as those who know, know words are impotently, flaccidly, woefully inadequate, but that is what most folks use as a mode of communication between each other, so i will attempt it anyway. My body began to feel a molten river of symbols, formulas, aztec, and mayan type imagery, encompassing the entire brilliant prism of color, swirling and churning around and through me. This became ever deepening, ever more intense, to the point that i felt the entire fabric of what i thought was reality give way. I was uterly consumed, utterly terrified, stripped to the unescapable core of what is the true me. I was in the prescence of GOD. I was TERRIFIED, but in the midst of this, i came to know my true nature, uncluttered, behind the veil, the true nature of ourselves, unemcumbered by the distractions and pitfalls, that an immortal soul occupying the vessel of our flesh bodies encounters. I crawled on my KNEES, i cried to be forgiven of my transgressions against others, and maybee it seems more importantly, myself. Words cannot express the GRATTITUDE and HUMILITY i felt, and do, as of now. We are all a part of GOD, whatever god is to you, man, woman, both, whatever, this ubiquitous force is pure love, forgiving, all I had to do was ask. The teaching would push, expand, deepen, and every time i was pummelled, to the canvas, beyond defeat, beyond the limit of what i thought i could possibly survive, i was restored, comforted, nourished, re-inflated by the divine wind. Ebb and flow, building, exploding, utter peace and tranquility, all the while, feeling the next wave starting its cycle. I felt that ANYTHING was possible, all i had to do was ask it, but i couldnt, the duality of my (and all creation in this realm) nature kept me terrified of the consequences of asking for something that i may not be capable of handling. The thought of seeing GOD's face occured to me and i prayed that i wouldnt have to. I was unsure if i would be permitted to return to this body if i were to know the face of my master, i knew that i have MUCH work to do, and people that i love to help. Around 2 hours into the dream, I became coherent enough to sit up and think for a minute. I thought it might be over, but i had not purged, I knew that I must, many times earlier i felt as though i would at any moment, but there was a part of me somewhere that was fighting it. When it came, it was earthshaking! ALL the filth, negatvity, malice, ill will, and unforgiveness of myself, was loosed from me. Image after image of all life's unpleasantries, ill will, the dual part of my nature, that evil that is seamlessly woven into the very fabric of much of this world, and pollutes, and deviates us from our true soul/self, it was all gloriously expelled over the course of 20-30 long, glorious, vomit saturated minutes. It was during and after this that i recieved the richest visual content of the entire dream. Immediately following the conclusion of the purge, i was bestowed a state of UTTER DIVINE ECSTASY, which i can only describe as being nestled in the bosom of my master. I have been blessed by the divine, and i am forever grateful to all who have received, or are contemplating teaching from the vine, and i pray that you are given the gift of knowing your true self, and that you are a part of the infinite love that is GOD.
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