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Könyv: Ayahuasca – A Lélek Indája


fenyő, 2006. február 1.

Mielőtt hozzászólnál vagy új témakört nyitnál, olvasd el a DAATH fórumának irányelveit!

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427. bufo2010. november 12. 02:03
2010 oktober 19.-en orizetbe vettek a benszulott kolumbiai gyogyitot, Taita Juan Agreda Chindoy-t a Houston-i nemzetkozi repuloteren az amerikai hatosagok.. Azert tartoztattak le mert (a hagyomanyos gyogyito fozetet) Ayahuascat birtokolt.. Akar 20 evet is kaphat... Milyen vilagban elunk mar? Meddig hagyjuk meg hogy ilyen dolgok tortenjenek???
Taita Juant egyebkent nem csak kozossege, de a kolumbiai egeszsegugyi miniszterium is elismeri mint hagyomanyos gyogyitot...

"Taita Juan Bautista Agreda, a Colombian shaman from the Kamsá people of the Sibundoy Valley in the higher part of Putumayo province, was arrested on 19 October at Bush International airport in Houston Texas. He carried with him ayahuasca medicine to do ceremonies in Oregon.
A indigenous shaman arrested for carrying his medicine is always bad news, but in this case it is even more so because I know the shaman personally. To give a clear picture of my relationship with Taita Juan Bautista: His father, taita Martín Agreda is on the cover of the book I wrote (in German) about ayahuasca, together with ethnobotanist Christian Raetsch and arthistorian Claudia Mueller-Ebeling.
Juan Buatista's father is the shaman who intiated my colombian shaman friend Kajuyali into the ayahuasca tradition of their people, the Kamsá. In 2007 Kajuyali initiated me as an ayahuasca shaman in his tradition. So I am a shaman now, and in a way I am family of Juan Bautista. The very first time I was asked to sit on the shamans table in a big ceremony with 80 participants, a Peace meeting in the south of Colombia back in 2004, Juan Buatista and his brother Floro were sitting next to me and supported me during that night.
It may be good to give some background to Taita Juan Bautista Agreda.
He comes from a family of well known Kamsá (or Cametsá) shamans from the Sibundoy Valley. His father is Taita Martín Agreda, a shaman with a very good reputation all over Colombia. His father is in his nineties now. His brother is also a shaman called Taita Floro Agreda.
The valley is high in the mountains. The Agreda family lives at 2600 meters above sea level. It can be really chilly there at night. The Putumayo river is still a small stream so high in the mountains, but it is steep there and it goes down very fast. It means the people traditionally living in that area, mainly Kamsá and Inga, a bit further down also Siona and Kofán, know a big variety of plants. Not only plants from the jungle, but also plants from higher regions. This fact makes the shamans of the Sibondoy a special breed. The Sibundoy Valley is also the place on earth with the highest variety of Brugmansia species. It is said that every shaman used to have his own variety. Ayahuasca is only one of the many different medicines being used by the Taita's.
When I visited the valley with the ethnobotanist Christian Raetsch he found a treasure of rare hallucinogenic plants.
Juan Bautista had learned from his father how to hunt monkeys with a blowpipe in his childhood. When we visited their house the first time in 2004, no jungle in the vicinity was left. What used to be a lake had dried up, and the jungle had become pasture land for cows. The family still lives in a traditional way, and people come to them for healing. Every time I visited them, there were patients being treated.
Juan Bautista and his wife have a shop in Sibundoy, the main town of the Sibundoy Vall. They sell ceremonial artefacts and a whole range of remedies. Juan Buatista's wife is very talented in making bracelets and necklaces in the typical Kamsá style.
Juan Bautista is a distinguished painter. He paints his amazing visions in strong colours. They are full of snakes and jaguars and mythical beings.
Money is neccesary to help Juan Bautista. You can donate via paypal. This money will be used for his legal defense team in the USA. On the website you can find more information: http://www.freetaitajuan.org/ "

426. samankodo2010. november 7. 19:44
a novenyek ereznek, hallanak, olvassak az emberi gondolatokat... :)

425. H2O2010. október 28. 19:31
Alap, nem alap, kb egy hét alatt fog lejönni... seedelhetné, akinek megvan!
(milyen jó olvasni, hogy "vótmá ezerszer, Teee" helyett ez a válasz) :)

424. bufo2010. október 28. 17:00
Hu azert latom egesz sokmindennel kibovult ez a lista amiota utoljara letoltottem.. :) Koszi az emlekeztetot! :)

423. H2O2010. október 28. 15:49

422. spirit2010. október 27. 20:17
Terjed a shuar csapat hírneve...:)

421. Sennin2010. október 27. 15:56
http:// http://www.gonzopress.hu/2010/10/27/shuar-ceremonia-es-az-ayahuasca-varazsereje/

420. kisyasa2010. október 27. 13:27
http:// http://www.gonzopress.hu/2010/10/27/shuar-ceremonia-es-az-ayahuasca-varazsereje/

Shuar ceremónia és az Ayahuasca varázsereje

419. bufo2010. szeptember 16. 23:21
Alap film, azonnal nezze meg aki meg nem latta.. :)

418. samankodo2010. szeptember 15. 17:05
itt egy erdekes dokumentum film az ayahuascarol :)

persze angol, de megeri megnezni mindenkepp ;)

cime : other wolrds ayahuasca

es itt egy most aktualis link, ha nem menne akkor cim alapjan keressetek ra

enjoy :)

417. Bard2010. augusztus 11. 15:28
Érdekes előadás:

416. mans2010. augusztus 9. 19:31
Hát Nekem a lejjebb linkelt perui féle szertartás barátságosabb,meg természetesebb.

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