Legfrissebb hozzászólások (2773 - 2792) (Témakör: Aktuális drogtémák)
| | | | | | | | | | Boldog Biciklinapot! Ma 65 éve volt az elsö, híres-nevezetes biciklis LSD-trip.
BICYCLE DAY, April 19th
Since 1984, some people have observed Bicycle Day on April 19th. This is the anniversary of the day that Albert Hofmann intentionally took LSD in 1943. On the16th Hofmann accidentally absorbed a bit of LSD, but the 19th was the first intentional experience, when he took what he then considered a minimum effective dose, 250 mics. In LSD, My Problem Child he records that day: "By now it was already clear to me that LSD had been the cause of the remarkable experience of the previous Friday, for the altered perceptions were of the same type as before, only much more intense. I had to struggle to speak intelligibly. I asked my laboratory assistant, who was informed of the self-experiment, to escort me home. We went by bicycle, no automobile being available because of wartime restrictions on their use. On the way home, my condition began to assume threatening forms. Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror. I also had the sensation of being unable to move from the spot. Nevertheless, my assistant later told me we had traveled very rapidly." In this dark hour of ignorance and superstition about psychedelics, you can light a candle of hope and reason. To commemorate the bicycle ride that changed the world forever, let's celebrate Bicycle Day with bicycle trips, sending cards with bicycle pictures on them to friends, joyful picnics, and other festive activities.
Remember Bicycle Day and Keep it Holy |
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| | | | | | | | | | Csumi mindenkinek!!! új kolléga |
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| | | | | | | | | | mahadeva: Lásd e lap alján: "Áprilisi akció"... Tehát április végén átutalom az addig felajánlott összeget Erowidéknak. Nekem meg késöbb is ki lehet fizetni a felajánlásokat, mondjuk max. Ozoráig. |
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| | | | | | | | | | és meddig van a "határidő"? szóval meddig lenne ezt jó átutalni? :$ |
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| | | | | | | | | | TheRottweiler: Dobj egy mélt, hogy mennyivel járulnál hozzá. Fizetni (kp, HUF) lehet késöbb is - egyszer majd csak találkozunk élöben is. |
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| | | | | | | | | | gén, máében kel küldeni az aerowid supportot? mivel tok majd neked fizetni? |
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válasz az off topicban |
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| | | | | | | | | | nargile: ez egy etikailag magasfokon álló ember számára 1értelműnek kell hogy legyen. erőszakra erőszakkral válaszolni olyan mint tüzet olajjal oltani. |
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